Xena is a fictional character from the television series “Xena: Warrior Princess”. She was a popular character in the 1990s and remains a fan favorite today. Xena is known for her fighting skills, her loyalty to her friends, and her badass attitude. People enjoy GIFs of Xena because she is a strong, independent woman who knows how to have a good time.
Xena GIF Collection
List of Links to External GIFs
1. Xena and Gabrielle Reunite – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-gabrielle-3ohs7JqB0T6QDl6YXG
2. Xena and Gabrielle Share a Moment – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-gabrielle-3oKIPK2bxAu1Kj8Xv2
3. Xena and Joxer – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-joxer-3ohs8QvKMkbMVmRxmE
4. Xena Swordfighting – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-3ohs8Rl09lGKxOYx2k
5. Xena and Ares – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-ares-3ohs7L6uFhQbG1VFMC
6. Xena Throws Chakram – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-3ohs7MClpV4X4XzHcM
7. Xena and Gabrielle Protect Autolycus – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-autolycus-3ohs7L2ZdGq8WmXz3O
8. Xena and Callisto Battle – https://giphy.com/gifs/xena-warrior-princess-callisto-3ohs7KLaCjfMsd2RIQ