Juneteenth GIFs


Juneteenth is an important day in history and a day of joyous celebration. In recent years, the celebration has become more visible as people commemorate the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. To mark the day, many people have created GIFs to celebrate the occasion. From funny to thoughtful, these GIFs capture the spirit of Juneteenth and the importance of the day in American history.

Viewers of the collection of Juneteenth GIFs will be able to connect with the day in a fun and meaningful way. The GIFs express the joy, pride, and resilience of the African American community, while also providing a creative outlet for people to explore their feelings about the day. By viewing the collection of GIFs, viewers can also gain an appreciation for the historical significance of the day and the fight for freedom and justice for African Americans.

Juneteenth GIF Collection

Nobody is free until everybody is free
Nobody is free until everybody is free
A great Juneteenth GIF
A great Juneteenth GIF
An awesome Juneteenth GIF
An awesome Juneteenth GIF
Kamala Harris wishes everyone a Happy Juneteenth
Kamala Harris wishes everyone a Happy Juneteenth
Joe Biden wishes every American a Happy Juneteenth
Joe Biden wishes every American a Happy Juneteenth
Juneteenth 1865 GIF
Juneteenth 1865 GIF
Freedom for all
Freedom for all
Celebrate Juneteenth
Celebrate Juneteenth
A fist with a Juneteenth inscription
A fist with a Juneteenth inscription
Freedom Day
Freedom Day
Celebrating freedom for Juneteenth
Celebrating freedom for Juneteenth
A simple Juneteenth GIF
A simple Juneteenth GIF
An animated fist in the air for Juneteenth celebration
An animated fist in the air for Juneteenth celebration
1865 Juneteenth
1865 Juneteenth
June 19, 1865, Independence Day
June 19, 1865, Independence Day
An animated GIF of Juneteenth
An animated GIF of Juneteenth
Juneteenth, a celebration of Black Freedom
Juneteenth, a celebration of Black Freedom
A simple GIF of 1865
A simple GIF of 1865
All are free 1865
All are free 1865
Nineteenth of June
Nineteenth of June
An animated girl wearing glasses that has 1865 inscription
An animated girl wearing glasses that has 1865 inscription
A GIF of Juneteenth
A GIF of Juneteenth
An animated GIF of a fist with June 19th, 1865
An animated GIF of a fist with June 19th, 1865
Juneteenth, Freedom Day
Juneteenth, Freedom Day
This man wishes you a Happy Freedom Day
This man wishes you a Happy Freedom Day
Juneteenth GIF on an orange background
Juneteenth GIF on an orange background
A black flag with Juneteenth written on it
A black flag with Juneteenth written on it
Juneteenth is America's true Independence Day
Juneteenth is America’s true Independence Day
Two animated arms in breaking the chain that binds them
Two animated arms in breaking the chain that binds them
A colourful Juneteenth GIF
A colourful Juneteenth GIF
A calendar that counts from June 1 to 19
A calendar that counts from June 1 to 19
A map of the United States that has Juneteenth inscription
A map of the United States that has Juneteenth inscription
Freedom, Liberty, Power
Freedom, Liberty, Power
Celebrate Freedom
Celebrate Freedom
Thanking my ancestors for Juneteenth
Thanking my ancestors for Juneteenth
An animated GIF that says "I am speaking Juneteenth"
An animated GIF that says “I am speaking Juneteenth”
A Unicorn with a Happy Juneteenth under it
A Unicorn with a Happy Juneteenth under it
A flag celebration for Juneteenth
A flag celebration for Juneteenth
A black and white GIF for Juneteenth
A black and white GIF for Juneteenth
Happy Juneteenth in green, black and red colour
Happy Juneteenth in green, black and red colour
Celebrate emancipation
Celebrate emancipation
Celebrate freedom on Juneteenth
Celebrate freedom on Juneteenth
A black woman raising her arm that is in chains
A black woman raising her arm that is in chains
An animated boy running with a flag that says Juneteenth Freedom
An animated boy running with a flag that says Juneteenth Freedom
This animated girl has a banner that says Freedom
This animated girl has a banner that says Freedom
A Juneteenth GIF with interchanging color
A Juneteenth GIF with interchanging color
An animated flag with fireworks and Juneteenth Freedom Day inscription
An animated flag with fireworks and Juneteenth Freedom Day inscription
An animated GIF that says No one is free until we are free
An animated GIF that says No one is free until we are free
A calendar encircling the 19th of June
A calendar encircling the 19th of June

1. “Juneteenth: A Time to Celebrate Freedom” – https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/juneteenth
2. “Juneteenth Celebrations Around the US” – https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-06-19/juneteenth-celebrations-around-the-us
3. “Juneteenth Celebrations in Houston” – https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Juneteenth-celebrations-in-Houston-2020-15354819.php
4. “Juneteenth Celebrations Around the World” – https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2020/06/17/368072/juneteenth-celebrations-around-the-world/
5. “Juneteenth Celebrations Take Place Virtually” – https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/juneteenth-celebrations-take-place-virtually-amid-covid-19-pandemic-n1230356
6. “Juneteenth Celebrations Across the Country” – https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/19/us/juneteenth-celebrations-2020-trnd/index.html
7. “Juneteenth: Celebrating Freedom” – https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/juneteenth-celebrating-freedom-180975630/
8. “Why Do We Celebrate Juneteenth?” – https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2020/06/why-do-we-celebrate-juneteenth-black-history/
9. “Juneteenth: Celebrating Black Freedom” – https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/19/us/juneteenth-celebrating-black-freedom.htm
